Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Preparation of Zoning Sea Fishermen Called to Protect

Head of Keluatan and Fisheries ( DKP ) Pandeglang , Banten , Tata Nanzar zonase Riyadi stated that the preparation of the sea to protect local fishermen .

" During this time many of our fishermen who were arrested for alleged activities in the area of conservation , even though they do not know if it has been acting wrong , " he said in Pandeglang , Tuesday ( 29/4 ) .
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The fishermen , he said , not knowing if it had engaged in conservation areas , because marine zoning in the area Pandeglang no settings. According to him , the fishermen only know that the fishing zone was located in the region of 12 miles from shore .

To protect the fishermen it was , he said , the Government Pandeglang immediately make ocean zoning , in which will be regulated catchments , conservation and more.

" This year we will develop a strategic plan ( Strategic Plan ) zoning , and to the activities of the existing budget allocation of Rp 100 million from the budget Pandeglang , " he said .

Once the strategic plan is composed , he added , there will be a new process for the preparation of zoning and expected in 2015 has been completed . He stated , preparation of marine zoning is a must and very useful for regional interests .

" Actually, it's not just zoning to protect fishermen , but also matters related to defense and security and safety islands in the waters Pandeglang , " he said .

Tata also said , in Indonesia only six districts / cities that already have a marine zoning rules , including Serang .


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